Adele Mara and Adele Uddo
She has won fifteen Grammys as well as she has an Oscar as well as a compositionist. Adele Laurie Blue Adkins has been known as her nickname since a number of years. Her birth date was 5 May 1988. Her parents had her birth the baby girl within Tottenham, London. His Welsh father was born in English as is her English-born mother. After her father's departure, she was raised by her mother. When she was four years old older, she started singing. With this she got addicted to singing. Both mother and daughter relocated to Brighton. However, in 1999, they moved back to London. West Northwood inspired her to create the first of numerous songs. Adele is a former classmate of Leona Louis, a student at the BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology Croydon (where she completed her studies in May of 2006) relocated to London. Adele says to Jessie J. that the school helped her to maintain her talent, even though in the beginning she preferred to work with artisans and accumulating (A...